Why do I keep seeing clasp closure coats?


Are we all seeing this? Has something happened that I was not made aware of? I’m of course talking about the sudden upwelling of clasp closure coats!

Also called fireman’s coats or hook coats, they’re easily recognizable because of their unique closures! You know, the little snappy metal hook deals, sorry to be so technical. But that’s beside the point, what I’m more concerned with is why? Why do I keep seeing them? I first saw the closure pop up again at Isabel Marant (happy to be proven wrong, this is just where I saw it) on their Bircan Jacket. Then I saw one posted by remake_by_yi on Instagram, a gorgeous oversized number that sent me into a frenzy. From here I saw a various assortment of influencers and people about town donning different iterations of this now seemingly ubiquitous style of coat!

At first, I thought it was the specific style of coat that was taking off but the more I saw, the more I came to the conclusion that it was the closure and not the coat. I was seeing clasp closures on sweaters, leather jackets, canvas jackets, etc. It fascinated me because it’s obviously a trend…but a trend no one seems to be acknowledging.

Before I get off topic because unacknowledged trends are an article in and of itself, I’ve found myself between a rock and a hard place: I like this trend, but I hate trendy things. What I hate even more than trendy things is dressing like everyone else. Ultimately, as of right now, I’ve concluded now’s not my time to purchase a clasp closure coat, or any clasp closure article for that matter. While I find it interesting, I think ultimately, this feeling will pass. And I simply can’t be a hypocrite about my stance on trends


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