Girl, Get Yourself A Tailor

For me, the epitome of fashion is not the price tag; it’s always the fit. Have you ever seen someone who can make an outfit from Target look like a million bucks, and someone else can make a Yves Saint Laurent look like something from the Dollar Store? Understanding the nuances of materials, your body shape, and the measurements of every article of clothing, are all things we mere mortals do not emphasize enough. How many times have you looked up an outfit and bought it because it looks stunning on the model, and when it arrives at your doorstep, it looks terrible on you? You feel crestfallen as you look at yourself in the mirror. You expected to look like a goddess of style, yet here you are looking like frumpy Fran. It's not your fault; we all have unique body shapes. 

The secret to looking runway-ready? Tailor your outfits! Not every design will flatter you even with a perfect figure, but tailoring can work wonders. Back before the dawn of mass production, women and men would have custom-made clothes. Sure, it was time-consuming, and if you weren’t rich or a great talent with the needle, then you probably looked a little rough, but imagine the luxury of having a custom piece of clothing just for you. You got to pick out the style, the material, and the pattern, and it was always made to your particular measurements. 

Today, though, we have grown accustomed to our fast-paced lives and hardly have time to get ready every day, much less make our clothes. How can we achieve that custom-made, elevated look without going broke? Take your time and figure out your body shape, your measurements, and what you always feel good about, then Google alteration shops. Once you have that perfectly tailored outfit, you will never go back. Apples, triangles, pears, and whatever other fruit they can think of, we are each unique. Something is always too loose here and too tight there, and there is nothing worse than sitting all day in an uncomfortable outfit. It’s common practice to get your wedding dress altered, so why not do the same for the outfits we wear every day?

Take that leap and find yourself a tailor because even though we don’t have the luxury of choosing every aspect of the clothes we buy, we can dictate the way they fit on our bodies and the way they make us feel. Remember that just because we live in a casual society obsessed with comfort, does not mean we cannot still look très chic AND feel amazing! All it takes is just a little bit of nipping and loosening in all the right spots.


Hide Your Ankles!
