We often shop based on what we like, but if we paid a little more attention to our garments, we could start shopping for only the best. So, how can we avoid buying clothes that are cheap quality and even stop supporting brands that are unsustainable and unethical? 

It’s all on the label. You know, those pieces of plastic or fabric you always cut because they’re really itchy? Well, if you take the chance to read what’s inside, you’ll notice that they contain all the information you need to know on whether that piece of garment is worth buying. A clothing label can’t lie, and the fiber content in it will become your best ally. You can tell a lot about a product based on what it’s made of. And I’m here to give a little advice about what fabrics you should seek and which ones you should avoid. Some of the best fabrics I am always on the lookout for range from cotton to cashmere, hemp, linen, wool, or silk. A good fabric means it’s good quality, durable, and will be kind to your skin

Fabrics like polyester, nylon, spandex, and acrylic contain plastic, which is why I stay away from them at any cost. Sure, some clothes with these fabrics may last a long time if well-made, given that they’re plastic, but they’re not biodegradable. Meaning they will probably end up in the landfills. Think about it this way: with so many fast fashion brands that overproduce garments to keep up with trends (cough cough SHEIN…), what happens with all those clothes that are no longer trendy

Another upside about the label is that you can even gain insight into a brand’s values. The tag on a coat may say that it is made of a wool blend when in reality the label will show that it is just 15% wool and 85% polyester. It’s not exactly a lie; after all, it said it was a blend, but if a brand needs to deceive the consumers for them to buy… that should be a red flag in shopping. If we, as consumers, begin to care and make conscious decisions about our clothes, the fashion industry could finally undergo a radical positive change. 

So now on, whether you’re shopping or just looking inside your wardrobe, don’t be shy, take a look at that label.


Girl, Get Yourself A Tailor


Double YOUR Wardrobe!