“And what makes you think I want to see you better?”

I’m done with the fashion faux pas that is sunglasses indoors. When did we ever care about faux pas anyways?

The only people who complain about it are the people who could never pull it off in the first place. However, there are some informal rules to keep in mind when breaking the rules. If you’re wearing your glasses indoors they better be colored lenses or blackout lenses and there’s no in between. You’re supposed to be a celebrity, not someone who accidentally brought their prescription sunglasses to dinner. Say it with your chest, don’t be bashful about your choice, wear them proud. And at no point can you let on that they might be inconvenient, better to just leave them at home if that’s the case. Sure, you can’t see the menu or your date but you look so good who cares? I personally opt for the colored lenses: you can see better and people immediately wish they had a pair.

Now, be warned, those around you will want to try them on, but don’t let them steal your shade!


Grab your coat and get your hat…
