Scotch and whiskey…

The spirits that seem to come with an image of loosened ties, finance guys, and lit cigars. However, whiskey has notably risen in popularity amongst the younger generation and women alike while simultaneously beginning to seep into the world of fashion.

Whiskey and scotch brands such as The Macallan, Johnnie Walker and Jameson have entered this modish world creating the perfect blend between stereotypical feminism and traditional masculist ideas.

This, as a result, produced an entirely new target demographic for these whiskey and scotch companies making people think less, men in suits, and more, women drinking old fashions in an uptown bar with their Fendi baguettes. These companies have begun to carefully curate collaborations in order to celebrate their values, the craft of distilling, and the creation of these spirits.

Balmain x Chivas and Dickies x Jameson’s collaborations were just that, lines created to highlight both the whiskey and fashion label’s craftsmanship.

Fashion and whiskey surprisingly have a lot in common… both range in price, quality and style. From the difference in aging, development processes and of course—taste.

Nevertheless, expensive ≠ better quality.

Sometimes we as consumers forget that just because something is expensive does not make it high-caliber. Both fashion and whiskey need quality craftsmanship and time to masterfully create the perfect gown or single malt.

Without thoughtful craftsmanship and refined technique, all you have is fast fashion and cheap brown liquor.


Legally Fashionable
