The PERFECT White Shirt

“A tale as old as time…” the fashionable individual’s inevitable life long search for the perfect white shirt.

All roads point to staple, and after we’ve found the pant, the footwear, the jacket, we finally come to the shirt. The average onlooker would scoff at the idea, “how many white shirts can one choose from?” But we know, we know all too well. Where does one start, do you want it cropped, ripped, paint splattered, off-white, eggshell, stone, cream, baggy, slim, tailored? Our options are endless but our aim is singular, we all want a shirt that fits and looks effortless. Something to be thrown on and forgotten. Comfortable, crisp, clean and simple, yet chic. Pedestrian and at the same time inimitable.

It’s a chase for the sort of style that says, “Oh you’re wearing from this season? I just prefer my classics, I don’t bend to trends”. We want to look like a ranch hand heading back for dinner, a French woman strolling casually to breakfast, an Olsen twin eyeballing paparazzi. Whatever your intent is, know you aren’t alone, know we’re all looking. A few words to the wise to be offered are as follows: there is no right answer, each of us will find THE brand that works for us for any number of reasons. But I will say, a heavier weight and nicer cotton will immediately lend itself to a cleaner look.

Enjoy the hunt!




Grab your coat and get your hat…