Kimchi's Benefits!

A popular Korean side dish known to many as Kimchi is made from fermented cabbage with a variety of spices. Flavors really vary depending on the ingredients used and how it is made, as recipes vary from families and cooks! The flavor is best described as spicy and sour making it the perfect side to a bed of rice or topping in cold noodles!

Not only is kimchi delicious but it has amazing health benefits as well. These range from supporting one’s gut health, improving blood sugar management, weight loss, and reducing inflammation. Fermented foods have been studied and proven that they improve levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut which help release toxins from the body and improve constipation. It is also studied having fermented foods such as kimchi in our diets can improve intestinal health, supporting our immune systems as well as our anti-inflammatory responses.

Many of us love kimchi for the taste but sometimes we forget to appreciate all the health benefits it gives our bodies! Kimchi whether it be store-bought, your mom’s or grandma’s is not just comfort food that gives you a taste of home but it also improves many aspects of your body’s health!


