Every Asian Kid’s Nostalgic Comfort Meal

Okay, I can not speak for EVERY ASIAN kid, but I will say for most of my friends and I, spam, eggs and rice was one of those childhood comfort meals we grew up with.

To this day, spam, egg and rice has always been a go to easy, comfort meal for me. It’s a dish that always hits the spot after a long work day or as a big breakfast! The thought of spam can spark some pretty nostalgic feelings and memories as kids, such as in my house, it went into a lot of korean dishes my mom made. Dishes ranging from kimbap, kimchi jiggae to fried rice, spam is a staple in a lot of asian cultures and actually has a bit of history to it as well. From Hawaii to Korea, this pantry staple is and has been a beloved ingredient stemming from military influences as well as helped families budget and save during WWII.

It is a bit of a secret ingredient when it comes to cooking in an asian household as it is flavorful, versatile and affordable. You can literally add this to nearly any savory dish in Asia and it will probably be delicious! From buddae-jiggae to spam musabi, it is the perfect addition to any simple comfort meal for any age. My favorite and most memorable way I ate it as a kid was simply sliced spam, fried till the edges are crispy, with scrambled eggs on top of rice. As I got older, a friend of mine taught me a super yummy way he enjoys it by caramelizing and cubing his spam in a mix of soy sauce and sugar, topped with 2 over easy eggs on a bed of furikake rice.

So for those of you who don’t know the delicious taste of this asian staple ingredient, I urge you to go fry it right now and eat it with some eggs and furikake rice for the perfect, simple and affordable bite at home!


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