Why French Butter is SUPERIOR

If there is one thing the French know, it’s bread and butter. For those of you who have traveled to France, I think we can all agree the difference in the bread and pastries is SIGNIFICANT! The croissants are fluffier, the bread is tastier and the ambiance of France may have a little something to do with it but in actual reality it is due to their butter! Most French butter is made in the regions of Normandy and Brittany. The biggest difference between French butter and American butter is not only in flavor but texture. French butter is richer, creamier, and more flavorful due to the higher butterfat content. The European butter standards differ from American’s by the butterfat content requirements and even the process of making it. The process of making French butter is different from the churning process, which is the process of agitating cream, resulting in a creamier consistency than American butter.

In terms of butterfat in French butter, the reason for it tasting better and feeling creamier is because the higher percentage resulting in the layering and flakiness in things like croissants, crusts, and other delicious pasteries. This is because when butter melts, the water released turns into steam that then gets trapped inside the dough, resulting that beautiful spiral inside of your favorite croissant or french pastry.

Not only does French butter thrive in any baking recipe over American butter but even as a simple spread there is much more flavor in it as well. The French take much pride in their butter as most of the time they are named after the place that particular butter was created from, this is to consistently keep up with quality control. Similar to how sparkling wine is not really allowed to be called champagne as in order to be called champagne it must have been made in that region of France.

So the next time you hop on a flight to France or go to the grocery store, bring home all the French butters because yes, IT IS WORTH it. Your slices of bread and baking recipes will thank you later.




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