Clothing to Languish In

I know you feel it, that post holiday deflation of spirit.

The sun has gone on vacation, the days almost seem like they’re hungover and we’re all feeling somewhat drab and cold. Each year this “season” descends on us all again like a mist, but this year I felt differently. I imagined something new and began to feel inspiration in an odd way. Why not dress for it? We seem to look forward to dressing for every other time of year, so why can’t we make an event for dressing for our least favorite time of year?

I thought of all the clothes I gravitate too when it gets this way outside and I settled on a few defining features. A color palette that’s unfussy and as drained as we all are, loose and baggy silhouettes for us to haunt while we feel ghostly and cold, and clothing with an overall vibe that maybe we’re a very chic novelist who’s been uninspired and reclusive as of late. Think of a shadow with a bit more dimension, taking residence in a warm bar, a quiet cafe or an empty park.

I found that this made the season somewhat festive if you can believe it. Each day I build out this character who seems to only be found in settings that this time of year is rife with. Imagining the story of what that outfit tells, the small details and quirks that make the casual viewer wonder. A belt askew, an out of place hat, a coat that appears to be haphazardly thrown on. So, when you’re waking up tomorrow, or the next day, or whenever, and you’re feeling the lull, try and create a look to embody that feeling. You just might find this new look makes the day a bit less gloomy.


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