Where’d ALL The Stylish People Go? 

We all want to look individual but we don’t want to dress individually.

When you walk down the street and look around, you really just see the same couple of people. Copy, paste, copy, paste. The people about town have all become so blasé. I look around in a bar, in a restaurant and I don’t see anything that catches my eye anymore. None of us take risks the way we used to. We don’t ever stumble and in turn we don’t ever strike big. We’re so frozen in place with the fear of standing out in a bad way that we never stand out in a good way. It feels like none of us are wearing clothing that says something. We dress to stay in the conversation, instead of dressing to start the conversation. It’s all so trendy, put together, calculated, appropriately inappropriate. No ideas seem new, no statement coat is making a statement we haven’t heard before and when was the last time you saw something being worn that really made you giggle or smile?

Clothing doesn’t have to just be good, it needs to be more. The things we wear need to set us apart, make us unique, and feel like they really represent what makes us, us. What we wear should sometimes be comical, sometimes sad, sometimes bad even! But for the love of everything holy it can’t just be clothing! We never had to worry in the same ways as we do now about the court of public opinion, now it seems we’re always standing trial for one thing or another. But, who doesn’t love a little controversy? Don’t forget to live with a bit of flare for danger now and then.

Make a mistake and be better for it. What’s the fun of a life lived without risk?


Bloom in Spring 2024


Why The Color You Wear is Important